关于unity sprite Mode,下面来分享一个,大家可以参考一下,直接网页翻译就可以了。


Graphics features:

Shader importing has been massively improved:
Shaders are imported much faster, especially complex surface shaders. Instead of compiling all shader variants for all possible platforms at import time, now the needed shader variants for needed platforms are compiled on-demand. Shader compilation results are cached under Library folder, so identical compilations happen much faster.
Error reporting was improved. Errors are reported on correct lines (imagine that!), and errors in .cginc files report the filename.
Surface shader debugging was improved. No more "#pragma debug" nonsense; just click "Show generated code" in the inspector.
Added Sparse Texture support (also known as "mega textures" or "tiled textures"). This is a low-level API feature, see SparseTexture class. Implemented on DirectX 11.2 (via tiled resources) and desktop OpenGL (via ARB_sparse_texture).
Added stereoscopic rendering on DX 11.1 (requires Windows 8.1 and compatible hardware).
Introduced support for OpenGL ES 3.0 on iOS devices (starting with A7 devices).
Graphics: Support for 3D textures in OpenGL ES 3.0.
Module Manager:

Introduced Module Manager with updatable platform support. iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, Blackberry Unity add ons can be updated without downloading full editor installer. Accessed through Modules menu, next to Preferences menu.
Editor features:

New Hierarchy Window sorting - sorting of elements is now based on transform order instead of name.
Introduced new editor API AssetDatabase.FindAssets (string filter, string[] folders). Search the Asset Database for assets by filename, type and asset label. See documentation for more information.
Added Selection.assetGUIDs for getting the current selected assets in the Project Browser. It also returns the folder selection in the first column in the Project Browser (in Two Column mode) which is not part of the main selection.
2D Physics features:

Added 2D Joint Gizmos.
Added new 2D physics component: WheelJoint2D.
Unity Remote upgrade:

Unity Remote 4 is our play testing solution for iOS and Android. As of Unity 4.5, there’ll be no more Wifi latency when playtesting your games on iOS devices. Plus, we’ve added support for the full range of iOS device inputs including accelerometers, gyroscopes and camera images. Unity Remote 4 is available free of charge from Google Play and the App Store.
Mecanim features:

Added CanTransitionToSelf option on AnyState Transitions.
Added new scripting function Animator.Rebind(). You can use this function to manually rebind the animator data set to unity when you change something in your GameObject hierarchy.
For humanoid rigs, in the importer, you can specify a transform node that will be used as root motion for an animation clip. The transform node will replace the automatically extracted root motion computed by Mecanim. (Pro Only).
Windows Store apps features:

Added Compass API to check for compass accuracy.
AppCallbacks methods InvokeOnUIThread and InvokeOnAppThread will detect deadlock and throw exception. Added TryInvokeOnUIThread and TryInvokeOnAppThread, which return true or false instead.
Support for programmatically opening touch screen keyboard.
In Player Preferences added support for scaled resources: splash screen, medium and wide tile, store and small logos.
In Player Preferences added support for Windows 8.1 scaled resources and related settings.
New APIs for changing system cursor - AppCallbacks::SetCursor, AppCallbacks::SetCustomCursor, WSA.Cursor.SetCustomCursor.
Added support for changing screen resolution on Windows 8.1.
Other features:

Scripting: Introduced DisallowMultipleComponentAttribute for disallowing multiple components of the same type being added to a single GameObject.
Scripting: Add UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver interface, to get a callback right before serialisation and right after deserialization.
Scripting: Structs with System.Serializable attribute can now be serialized. Also, fields of AnimationCurve[] and double[] now get serialised.
WebPlugin: Added Enhanced Protected Mode support for Internet Explorer. Supports IE 64 bit.

2D: Default 2D shaders now emulate premultiplied alpha. This fixes rendering in certain cases such as when rendering into a transparent render texture.
2D: Padding and offset values added for grid slicing in Sprite Editor.
2D: Sprite textures will not default to 16-bit on iOS anymore when editor is in 2D mode.
2D: Sprite Editor works for single mode sprites.
2D: Sprites now have border property (specified in pixels) that can be changed on sprite import.
Scripting: Rect struct now has the properties min, max, and size. This makes it easier to reuse the same code for the X and Y axis.
Android: Added KitKat to the list of target devices.
Assets management: 'optimizeGameObjects' & 'extraExposedTransformPaths' are now accessible from asset post processor.
Profiling: Audio profiling is improved with more relevant data and more accurate memory stats.
BlackBerry: bar-descriptor.xml file no longer uses deprecated xml tags.
BlackBerry: Keyboard types are now supported.
BlackBerry: Introduced GLES 3.0 support on the z30 devices.
Scripting: Added LayerMask.GetMask method to return a mask given multiple layer names.
Coroutines: StopCoroutine can now take an enumerator argument.
Documentation: Added docs on how to debug DirectX11 shaders with Visual Studio, look for 'SL-Debugging DirectX 11 Shaders with Visual Studio'.
Documentation: API history updated.
Documentation: Introduced new look and feel.
Documentation: Revived API history
Editor API: Expose handles preference colors in the Handles class (as read-only).
Editor, Standalone: WWW object can now retrieve data from servers that serve compressed content (gzip or zlib).
Editor: Added 'Sprite' to the type filter popup in the Project Browser.
Editor: Created CustomPreview attribute and ObjectPreview class. It is now possible to add extra custom preview to any inspected object.
Editor: Created SelectionBase attribute. When applied to a script, GameObjects with that script on will work the same as prefab roots for Scene View picking.
Editor: Implemented editing of Asset Labels for multiple assets at once.
Editor: Exposed EditorGUI.MultiFloatField and EditorGUI.MultiPropertyField.
Editor: Expose EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing to make it possible for people to create standard spacing between controls (for example in PropertyDrawers) without having to hardcode the amount.
Editor: Improved inspector customisation with [Tooltip] and [ContextMenuItem] script attributes.
Editor: Overall improvement of Sprite Editor. Better handling of sprite border, holding CTRL will hide the sprite boundaries so the hidden borders can be seen, and better mouse cursor feedback.
Editor: Package Import Window was redesigned and now shows import items as a proper tree view.
Editor: Preset libraries that have default presets now have a 'Add Factory Presets To Current Library' option in the context menu.
Editor: PropertyDrawers are now supplemented with DecoratorDrawers, which can be used for decorative elements in the Inspector such as spacing, headers, or notes.
Editor: Added AnimatedValues - Simple way to have tweened UI elements in EditorGUI.
Editor: Implemented display of fully qualified script name in execution order inspector.
Graphics: Added Texture2D.EncodeToJPG.
Graphics: GPU Skinning on OpenGL ES 3.0 now supports at least 4096 bones per mesh on all GL ES 3.0 targets.
Graphics: OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0 maximum simultaneous texture count upgraded from 8 to 16 (where supported by the GPU).
Graphics: Updated videoVerticallyMirrored docs.
iOS: Added ability to use profiler through USB.
iOS: Added iOS 7.1 target selector.
iOS: Added iPad Air and iPad Mini Retina entries to the iPhoneGeneration enum.
iOS: Added missing system languages.
iOS: Added reporting of environment variables when launching of mono process fails.
iOS: Added support for render events (GL.IssuePluginEvent). Please note that you need to manually register them, as iOS do not support dynamic libraries. Check trampoline for UnityRegisterRenderingPlugin function.
iOS: Added Xcode 5.x splashscreen compatibility.
iOS: Bumped minimum version of Xcode to 5.0.
iOS: Did minor trampoline refactoring.
iOS: Rebuilt FMOD, PhysX and PLCrashReporter with -mno-thumb.
iOS: Implemented small CrashReporter improvements: logging to console, disabled dSYM generation for debug builds.
iOS: WWW implementation exposed in trampoline.
Linux: Query webcam for dimensions when user doesn't specify them.
Linux: Worked around drivers grossly underreporting video memory.
Mecanim: Implemented user notification when humanoid animation has animation (TQS) in between human bones.
Mecanim: Added finger bones to c# HumanBodyBones enum.
Mecanim: Animator does not spam warning messages in standalone.
Mecanim: Humanoid auto-configure now only use rotation information from bind pose. Translations found in bind pose were different from the ones in animation. This was causing undesired retargeting differences.
Mecanim: Humanoid setup and retarget console warning have been improved. Less noise and more precise information.
Mecanim: Optimized Animator Enable() ( 2x speed on complex controllers ).
OpenGL ES: Improved GL ES version selection. There is now a new Target Graphics API option "Auto" that automatically selects the best available GL ES version.
OS X: Enabled stack trace output when player crashes.
Physics: Added the following methods and properties to DistanceJoint2D: limitState, GetReactionForce() and GetReactionTorque().
Physics: Added the following methods and properties to HingeJoint2D: limitState, referenceAngle, jointAngle, jointSpeed, GetReactionForce(), GetReactionTorque() and GetMotorTorque().
Physics: Added the following methods and properties to SliderJoint2D: limitState, referenceAngle, jointTranslation, jointSpeed and GetMotorForce().
Physics: Added the following methods and properties to WheelJoint2D: jointTranslation, jointSpeed and GetMotorTorque().
Physics: Added the following methods to SpringJoint2D: GetReactionForce() and GetReactionTorque().
Physics: Added "RigidBody2D.simulated" property that allows control of whether a Rigidbody2D component should be simulated or not.
Physics: Added 2D rigid-body MovePosition and MoveRotation methods.
Physics: Added ability to ignore collider/collider collisions (Physics2D.IgnoreCollision).
Physics: Added missing Physics2D CircleCast, CircleCastAll, CircleCastNonAlloc, BoxCast, BoxCastAll & BoxCastNonAlloc.
Physics: Added "bounds" property (read-only) to 2D collider types.
Physics: Added "centerOfMass" and "worldCenterOfMass" properties (read-only) to Rigidbody2D.
Physics: Added "inertia" property to Rigidbody2D.
Physics: Added ForceMode2D type to allow selection of force to be used for "Force" or "Impulse".
Physics: Added GetPoint & GetRelativePoint to Rigidbody2D.
Physics: Added GetPointVelocity & GetRelativePointVelocity to Rigidbody2D.
Physics: Added GetVector & GetRelativeVector to Rigidbody2D.
Physics: AddForce, AddRelativeForce, AddForceAtPosition & AddTorque on Rigidbody2D now accept ForceMode2D type to match 3D physics.
Physics: Dragging interaction of GameObjects containing dynamic Rigidbody2D components in editor during play-mode is allowed now.
Physics: Do not show disabled 2D joint gizmos.
Physics: Exposed several Box2D properties that were previously compile-time constants.
Physics: PolygonCollider2D gizmo renders only the outline shape.
Scripting: Added GetAllCameras(Camera[]) and allCamerasCount API's
Scripting: Added UNITY_PRO_LICENSE define.
Scripting: Added GetComponentsInParent function.
Scripting: Added MeshUtility.SetMeshCompression and MeshUtility.GetMeshCompression to set mesh compression for Meshes generated from scripting.
Scripting: Improved resolution of types that inherit from types in different user assemblies.
Serialisation (i.e. Instantiation & Level loading) performance of MonoBehaviors is now 2x-5x faster.
Serialisation: Print error message when maximum recursion limit is reached.
Substance: Alpha channel generation can now be explicitly disabled for ProceduralMaterials in order to use runtime DXT1/ETC compression or to bake DXT1/ETC/RGB24 bitmaps.
Substance: Baked ProceduralTextures are now created from full RGBA32 data instead of pre-existing (and potentially already compressed) editor data.
Substance: Decreased memory consumption in the editor.
Substance: Lower peak memory footprint when generating textures for materials that were queued roughly at the same time.
Substance: Material thumbnails are now listed in the static preview in the same 'semantically correct' order they appear in the SubstanceImporterInspector.
Substance: Mipmap generation can now be disabled (the default is 'enabled').
Substance: Outputs tagged as "Specular" will automatically map to the _SpecTex shader property if present.
Substance: Outputs that are used solely as sources for other outputs's alpha channels (typically the specular output) are no longer generated separately and will not appear in the project window anymore unless they're directly assigned to a shader slot or the GenerateAllOutputs option is checked.
Substance: ProceduralMaterials being computed when exiting play mode are now discarded, making the transition from play mode to editor mode faster.
Substance: ProceduralMaterials loaded from AssetBundles can now be inspected in play mode.
Substance: Processing Substances in the Editor is now always multi-threaded when not in play mode.
Substance: Runtime PVRTC compression on iOS/Android is now faster and of higher quality.
Substance: Switching between graphs or instances in a SubstanceImporterInspector will no longer cause a reimport. The reimport of the modified SBSAR asset is now performed when the entire SubstanceImporterInspector is disabled.
Substance: The ProceduralMaterial memory budget will be increased in smaller increments on mobile targets to further lower the peak memory footprint on these platforms.
Windows: Unity Editor will fallback to DirectX 11 if DirectX 9 is not available, instead of showing the dialog graphics were not initialised.
Webplayer: Java Webplayer Installer is now updated with the latest Java security requirements.
Windows Phone: The preview resolution is as close as possible to what the user requested.
Windows Phone: Non uniformly scaled meshes use less memory.
Windows Phone: Webcam resolution selection is now chosen by the aspect ratio and the total area of the preview.
Windows Store Apps / Windows 8.1: Added support for SwapChainPanel, it will be used in XAML project files generated for Windows 8.1, you can still use SwapChainBackroundPanel if you want.
Windows Store Apps / Windows 8.1: Changed template code to handle application launch through protocol, basically we added OnActivated event handling in App.xaml.cs and App.xaml.cpp files.
Windows Store Apps / Windows Phone: Graphics related memory optimisations. Mesh and texture uploads use less memory.
Windows Store Apps: When building, instead of storing absolute Unity paths inside a project, they will be store in UnityCommon.props file instead, this way making it easier to share project between several PC's.
Windows Store Apps: *.pdb, *.ilk, *.exp for Unity libraries won't be provided in Release, Master configurations, thus reducing the exported solution size significantly.
Windows Store Apps: AppCallbacks::UnitySetInput() made safe for multiple invocations.
Windows Store Apps: ComputeBuffer.SetData will work correctly.
Windows Store Apps: If running other OS than Windows 8/8.1, reports it as "Unknown Windows version ()" rather than hardcoded "Windows 8"/"Windows 8.1".
Windows Store Apps: NativeRenderPlugin example now properly works on Windows Store Apps.
Windows Store Apps: Removed splash screen after the first frame is drawn.
Windows Store Apps: D3D applications will consume less CPU percentage thus preserving battery.
Windows Store Apps: System.deviceModel will return a valid value whenever possible.
Windows Store Apps: Unity will output used Windows SDK version in UnityPlayer.log.
Windows Store Apps: Unity won't spam harmless D3D warning DEVICE_DRAW_RENDERTARGETVIEW_NOT_SET in Debug builds.
Windows Store Apps: Webcam support is more stable; webcams now also support MJPG streams.
Windows Store Apps: Windows 8.1 player will now respect CompositionScale of SwapChainPanel.
Windows Store Apps: You can now generate C# Assembly-Charp* projects (in BuildSettings window) which will be referenced from generated solution, allowing you to easily debug and change your scripts on the fly, the only thing to keep in mind, if you'll add/remove serialised fields in classes, you'll need to rebuild your project from Editor to compensate for changed serialised data.
Windows Store Apps/ Windows 8.1: SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier will return value from AdvertisingManager (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/windows.system.userprofile.advertisingmanager.advertisingid.aspx)
Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone: MaterialPropertyBlock property setting now supported on these platforms.
Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone: Unity allocates fewer managed objects for its own internal bookkeeping allowing .NET garbage collector to work faster. Overall memory consumption is also reduced.
Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone: Added support for animated script variables .
Windows Store Apps/WP8: Better handling of managed objects, causes less pressure to Garbage Collection.
WWW: All POST requests now automatically include an x-unity-version header with the version of the Unity runtime making the request.

2D: Atlas packer DefaultPackerPolicy will now pack Sprites as rectangles unless packing tags begin with "[TIGHT]". The new TightPackerPolicy will tightly pack Sprites with a Tight Mesh unless packing tags begin with "[RECT]".
2D: Sprite Packer is no longer a preview feature.
Android: Disabled GPU profiling on Adrenos for now, due to unstable drivers.
Asset Bundles: Trying to build a bundle from within an AssetPostprocessor will now throw an error.
BlackBerry: BuildTarget.BB10, BuildTargetGroup.BB10, and BaseClass.BB10Player have been deprecated. Please use BuildTarget.BlackBerry, BuildTargetGroup.BlackBerry and BaseClass.BlackBerryPlayer
Editor: Components with OnSceneGUI calls will now show up in scene view Gizmos popup.
Editor: Data consistency checks for objects loaded from disk are now performed on all objects before waking up the first one of them instead of interleaving the two operations.
Editor: Newly created projects default to DirectX 11 on Windows now (you can still make DX9 be the default in project settings).
Editor: Utility Editor windows no longer have 10 pixels automatically added at the top when using GUILayout.
Editor: Removed SpriteRenderer preview.
Editor: Show overlay label in Game View with actual used resolution if actual used resolution is smaller than the selected fixed resolution.
iOS: Added iOS7 target.
iOS: Refactored trampoline; extracted view handling and rendering categories from UnityAppController.
Mac: Rewrote Mac web cam support to use AVFoundation framework, so you can publish to the Mac App Store without using deprecated APIs.
Mecanim: Introduced Animator Update Mode which replaces Animator.animatePhysics. Adds the possibility to update Mecanim independently of Time.timeScale.
Physics: All existing joints are now derived from AnchoredJoint2D component rather than the Joint2D component.
Physics: Collision and trigger callbacks now occur on both the GameObject containing the 2D collider as well as the GameObject containing the 2D rigid-body.
Physics: Updated Box2D to v2.3.0.
Sprite Editor: Now an undockable utility window and can only be opened from the sprite inspector.
Sprite Editor: Removed 'Minimum size' from automatic slicing dialog.
Substance: A new 'DoNothingAndCache' loading behaviour is now available. Substances are no longer automatically generated when loaded but are still cached to non-volatile storage after the first call to RebuildTextures() / RebuildTexturesImmediately().
Substance: ProceduralMaterial.isCachedDataAvailable was added to check if cache data will be used for a cached ProceduralMaterial or if its outputs will have to be rebuilt. Coupled with DoNothingAndCache, this allows for interactive "installer / substance decompressors" scenes to be created.
Windows Store Apps / WP8: Unity won't spam warnings for incorrectly unloaded assets, unless explicitly specified.
Windows Store Apps: Independent Input Source is disabled again by default due to delays in Windows Update.
WWW: deprecated 'WWW(string url, byte[] postData, Hashtable headers)', use 'public WWW(string url, byte[] postData, Dictionary<string, string> headers)' instead.

4.5 brings a lot of fixes all over the place, so here they are split into sections:

2D Fixes

"Custom Pivot" value field made wider to fit 8 digit numbers in Sprite Editor.
2D polygon collider editor lines z position is now forced to zero.
Added confirmation window to grid slicing when creating large amounts of sprites in Sprite Editor.
Atlas texture will be correctly bundled in an atlas bundle when the bundle is created with kAssetBundleIncludeCompleteAssets flag and has a Texture with atlases Sprites as its main asset.
Cancelling packing won't prevent future packing attempts.
Correctly disable Sprite wireframe display.
Correctly handle initial default TextureImporter FilterMode in the DefaultSpritePackerPolicy in Sprite Packer.
Correctly initialise Sprite textureRect if all pixels are transparent.
Deselecting sprite in Sprite Packer window now works.
Destroying a Sprite's texture will not crash the SpriteRenderer that's using it.
Destroying a material array via UI will not break the Sprite inspector.
SpriteRenderer will not reset MaterialPropertyBlock.
Dropping sprite asset to hierarchy no longer changes texture of a random material.
Fixed light culling for scaled sprites.
Fixed precision errors in tight mesh generation code. It now correctly works together with PixelSnap shaders.
Fixed Sprite Packer issues when packing in editor automation mode.
Fixed Sprite Packer border generation to not sometimes write over the pixels of a nearby Sprite.
Handled Sprite Packer policy assembly type query failures. Fixes hangs when using 3rd party libraries such as pnunit.
PixelsToUnits property, when set to Infinity, will flip back to the default value of 100.
Prevented a false error when generating Sprites from a 1-pixel tall/wide texture.
Prevented sprites larger than max atlas size from participating in packing.
Removed a legacy assert which sometimes caused error messages during Sprite generation.
Reopening Unity will reopen the Sprite Packer window correctly.
Significantly reduced Sprite packing memory requirements.
Sprite editor rectangle values are now clamped properly.
Sprite Editor wasn't repainted when single sprite got unselected.
Sprite Packer policies with duplicate names will not throw exceptions.
Sprite Packer will not corrupt some textures when Unity is running in automation mode.
Sprite preview will correctly work in play mode for atlases sprites.
SpriteRenderer component will now correctly display an error message when a material with an incompatible shader (fixed function) is assigned.
Sprite-Diffuse shader now correctly uses color provided by the SpriteRenderer.
Sprites generated from NPOT textures when running with -nographics flag will now work correctly.
Sprites generated from NPOT textures will now work correctly on graphics cards where NPOT textures are not supported.
SpriteRenderer will now output normals and tangents if the active material require them.
Sprites with mipmaps can now be packed. A custom Sprite Packer policy is required to enable atlas texture mipmapping.
Stabilized packing to avoid cases where removing one Sprite could grow the final atlas size.
Undo added to the 2D Joint gizmos.
When determining if non-square textures can produce sprites, check the compressed format for square-requirement. NPOT PVRTC textures are not compressed and therefore are ok for generating sprites.
When loading an asset bundle that contains a SpriteRenderer in the editor, the sorting layer for the SpriteRenderer will not be reset to default.
Android Fixes:

Fix for JVM picking up enviers when trying to build an android apk.
Fix for Samsung Game Pad axis mapping.
Fixed "Google Android Project" export.
Fixed AccelerationEvent.deltaTime.
Fixed an issue where some devices would freeze if unity was paused.
Fixed an issue where some joysticks/controllers weren't given a proper name.
Fixed crash on ART when calling methods with no arguments.
Fixed crash on ART when processing input.
Fixed crash on cancelling a video on Kindle Fire.
Fixed crash on TerrainData creation.
Fixed crash when using Font.RequestCharactersInTexture().
Fixed floating point errors on Tegra2.
Fixed input deadlock in OUYA console.
Fixed keyboardType handling.
Fixed Native Render plugins.
Fixed potential crash on soft-ime close.
Fixed setting audio sample rate on Android
Fixed some issues with graphics corruption when switching quality setting.
Fixed texCubeGrad and texCubeLod issues.
Fixed the error when wrong extension function could be used on GLES 2.
If a joystick is disconnected it will now show up as an empty string in the GetJoystickNames() array.
Logging a warning if merged manifest doesn't contain MAIN activity
Preload thread no longer consumes battery while application is in a paused state.
Re-added missing init() function.
Fixed crash on Android 4.4.2 when running on certain Adreno GPUs.
Editor Fixes:

"Layout" button now displays the currently selected layout name.
2D Transform tool rotation is now disabled when the sprite is small enough in the scene view.
Active scenes count properly displayed when more than 100 scenes are added to Build Settings window.
Added missing platform strings to OS X build post-processor.
Asset importer confirmation dialog text is now different when multiple files are going to be changed.
Call to GetWindow() with focus makes sure the window always becomes visible.
Cancelling the drag of multiple sprites to scene view or hierarchy no longer generates GameObject.
Corrected error message when adding component with mismatched class and file name
Creating prefab from GameObjects which contains cloth no longer crashes.
Do not show linear color space setting in free version (Pro only feature).
Dragging single or multiple sprites to hierarchy works.
Fit tool windows on screen when resolution changes.
Fix the Script Execution Order Window to only show MonoBehaviours and ScriptableObjects. And fix dragging scripts from project browser so it only allows valid scripts.
Fixed a crash when rendering preview images for prefabs with ClothRenderer components.
Fixed changes being undone when dragging assets from Windows Explorer onto Unity Editor.
Fixed crash when adding trees to terrain with no tree prototype defined.
Fixed crash when resizing array to 0 in inspector with multiple objects selected.
Fixed crash when script name is 32 characters or longer.
Fixed crash when Sprite.Create's 1st argument (Texture) is null.
Fixed crash when switching from "Rig" to "Model" tab in model inspector when having unapplied changes.
Fixed crash when switching to play mode with scene that hides transform children with HideFlags.DontSave.
Fixed crash when trying to import unreadable font.
Fixed crash when undoing a prefab revert.
Fixed crash when using InitializeOnLoad attribute to execute code that calls back into engine.
Fixed GLES emulation when running in -force-opengl mode.
Fixed GUILayout errors when multi-selecting audio clips
Fixed memory leaking when moving terrains.
Fixed multi-editing arrays in custom property drawers.
Fixed non-monobehavior classes breaking the script execution order window.
Fixed order of backing up/disabling/enabling scripts when reimporting.
Fixed Package Import Window was missing folders and had incorrect indentation
Fixed popup windows sometimes overlapping with the taskbar on Windows.
Fixed script importing error if the script contains a field whose name is ended with "guid".
Fixed scripts being recompiled every time a project got loaded.
Fixed that popup windows was not closed when using keyboard shortcut to go into playmode. This caused null-reference exceptions.
Fixed that popups auto closes on OSX 10.9 (Maverick) on secondary displays.
Fixed that the project wizard selection for 2D did not work when creating a new project from an already running Unity instance (OSX issue only).
GameObject are no longer moved to the root of the scene hierarchy when using Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo().
Handles no longer get stuck when dragged outside of scene view.
Hide "Alpha is Transparency" when no alpha channel is generated.
Hide GPU-skinning option in Unity free since it's a pro feature.
Importing very wide sprites no longer triggers an assert message.
Inform user about platforms with no support for Splash Screen in Player Settings window.
Made chinese input to not print out duplicate Western characters
Made it possible to undo changes made to prefab assets.
Make curve editor popup initially show with correct ranges when present.
Make PropertyField foldouts (for e.g. arrays) work together with PrefixLabel.
No more null ref exceptions while changing tabs in FBXImporter.
Obey script execution order when reloading scripts.
Object creation now takes priority when naming an undo group.
Optimize transform hierarchy from Animator context menu can now be undo’ed.
Pivot-to-vertex snapping works again in scene view.
Prefab children in the Project Browser are now sorted in transform order, to match Hierarchy sorting.
ProjectSettings.asset (force text) can now be upgraded correctly.
Remove Components from GameObjects in m_Undos list that were not registered for undo in m_Undos .
Reverting to prefab value can now be undone.
Sub assets in the Project Browser are now sorted first by type then by name.
Texture importer inspector failed to render after reset from context menu.
Throw exception when attempting to build a development version of a Linux headless player (unsupported).
Undoing destruction of objects in serialized files will now correctly mark the recreated objects as persistent. This fixes dataloss.
Unity will throw an error during build type when you have classes with same name in the project, this was causing serialization issues during runtime which was hard to track.
Unity won't crash when setting material properties in OnValidate function.
Unity won't hang when importing some of the assets on PCs with Intel HD 4000.
Unsupported texture types are not shown in sprite editor.
When trees are placed at the border of terrain now they will respect brush density setting.
Graphics Fixes:

Animating floating-point ParticleSystem properties no longer resets time whenever the property value changes.
Depth texture requirement removed from EdgeDetectEffectNormals image effect.
DirectX 11 fullscreen applications will always launch on main display now; the previous behavior was quite random.
Fixed _ProjectionParams.x (negative when target buffer is upside-down) not being set when rendering without a camera.
Fixed 3D textures in DirectX 11 where height is not the same as depth.
Fixed "Disabled" Depth Test interpreted as "Never" on OpenGL ES 2.0.
Fixed ASTC texture importing.
Fixed crash when destroying an active RenderTexture.
Fixed crash when Mesh user is registered twice.
Fixed crash when using Shader Forge.
Fixed editor crash when working with mobile targets and using DXT compressed textures.
Fixed error messages with image effects at some game view aspect ratios.
Fixed GL.Clear in some cases not clearing stencil properly on DX9 and DX11.
Fixed Linear color space being wrong in the editor in DirectX 11 mode.
Fixed occasional crash when quitting standalone player that uses DirectX 11.
Fixed occlusion culling data bake error.
Fixed Skybox rendering when using custom camera projection matrices (e.g. when doing stereo rendering like Oculus Rift).
Fixed TextureFormat enumeration missing a few compressed texture formats (ETC2, ASTC).
Fixed Umbra related false occlusion and light flickering.
Fixed Umbra related occlusion culling errors when camera’s near plane intersects occluding geometry.
Fixed Umbra related portal index error that prevents occlusion culling working properly.
Fixed various issues with skinned meshes on GLES 2.0.
OpenGL ES 3.0 (Android and iOS) fixes:
Fixed 2D sprite rendering.
Fixed crash when using cloth simulation.
Fixed first frame being corrupted.
Fixed fog rendering.
Fixed errors in some GLSL shaders.
Fixed GPU memory leak when releasing RenderTextures.
Fixed immediate mode rendering when GL.End is called multiple times.
Fixed SSAO image effect.
Improved reliability and correctness across wide range of supported devices.
Recursive rendering of camera from OnWillRender will now trigger error and return cleanly (instead of crashing in the worst case).
Shader fixes:
.cginc files with UTF8 BOM markers don't confuse shader compilers. Include files at non-ASCII paths work on Windows properly now.
Fixed crash if shaders have infinite (cyclic) fallback chains.
Fixed editor graphics emulation (e.g. "shader model 2.0") not quite working when DX11 was used.
Fixed GLSL translation of some global matrix initializers.
Fixed shader errors on some platforms (e.g. DX11) being reported as warnings in the editor. Now all errors are errors, and warnings are warnings like it should be!
Fixed shaders that use material-driven fixed function states (i.e. blend mode controlled from material properties) going wrong on graphics emulation level switching.
Improved precision of EncodeFloatRGBA function.
Shader.SetGlobalTexture no longer throws an exception when passed a null texture.
Worked around DX11 shader compiler bug with spot light soft shadows that was affecting WindowsStore/WP8 apps.
Shuriken: Editor handles the case where Particle System component is deleted.
Umbra occlusion culling now returns error if scene has vertices that make bounds very large and can cause baking to hang.
iOS Fixes:

Added workaround for iOS 7.1 slow/hanging scene loading on iPhone 4.
Fixed case when empty app was using 100% of CPU.
Fixed case when iOS application can not be built when the "Google Android Project" check-box is enabled.
Fixed handling of on screen keyboard input field.
Fixed iOS submission (missing icons) issue.
Fixed issues in RenderTexture (FBO) management.
Fixed mono AOT issue when calls are made via interface.
Fixed mscorlib support.
Fixed OpenGL ES context creation to adhere to Apple guidelines (should fix crashes on startup on context creation).
Fixed rendering issue (black screen) when non-native resolution was used.
Fixed Screen.orientation returning wrong values after you enabled previously disabled orientation that device currently has.
Fixed second stage iOS splashscreen issue.
Fixed Simulator build.
Fixed touch updating logic for Unity Remote.
Fixed unknown device type detection.
Fixed use of Advertising Identifier.