下面是ngui scroll view UIGrid性能优化的代码,废话我就不多说了,直接看吧。


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
 /// <summary>
/// @author : YangDan
/// @date : 2014-6-20
/// CustomGrid,这个类主要做了一件事,就是优化了,NGUI UIGrid 在数据量很多都时候,
/// 该类需要和 CustomScrollView.cs 以及 CustomDragScrollView.cs一起使用;
/// CustomScrollView 类只上把bounds字段给暴露出来,因为bounds都大小需要在外面设置了.
/// CustomDragScrollView 类 没有修改,
///因为默认都UIDragScrollView 默认里面调用都上UIScrollView
/// 所以只是将里面都UIScrollView 改为 CustomScrollView.
/// Item 是一个渲染操作类.可以自己定义,或者不要,并没有影响.
/// </summary>
public class CustomGrid : UIWidgetContainer
public GameObject Item;
public int m_cellHeight = 60;
public int m_cellWidth = 700;
private float m_height;
private int m_maxLine;
private Item[] m_cellList;
private CustomScrollView mDrag;
private float lastY = -1;
private List<string> m_listData;
private Vector3 defaultVec;
void Awake()
m_listData = new List<string>();
defaultVec = new Vector3(0, m_cellHeight, 0);
mDrag = NGUITools.FindInParents<CustomScrollView>(gameObject);
m_height = mDrag.panel.height;
m_maxLine = Mathf.CeilToInt(m_height / m_cellHeight) + 1;
m_cellList = new Item[m_maxLine];
void Update()
if (mDrag.transform.localPosition.y != lastY)
lastY = mDrag.transform.localPosition.y;
private void UpdateBounds(int count)
Vector3 vMin = new Vector3();
vMin.x = -transform.localPosition.x;
vMin.y = transform.localPosition.y - count * m_cellHeight;
vMin.z = transform.localPosition.z;
Bounds b = new Bounds(vMin, Vector3.one);
mDrag.bounds = b;
public void AddItem(string name)
private void Validate()
Vector3 position = mDrag.panel.transform.localPosition;
float _ver = Mathf.Max(position.y, 0);
int startIndex = Mathf.FloorToInt(_ver / m_cellHeight);
int endIndex = Mathf.Min(m_listData.Count, startIndex + m_maxLine);
Item cell;
int index = 0;
for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + m_maxLine; i++)
cell = m_cellList[index];
if (i < endIndex)
cell.text = m_listData[i];
cell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, i * -m_cellHeight, 0);
cell.transform.localPosition = defaultVec;
private void CreateItem()
for (int i = 0; i < m_maxLine; i++)
GameObject go;
go = Instantiate(Item) as GameObject;
go.transform.parent = transform;
go.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
go.name = "Item" + i;
Item item = go.GetComponent<Item>();
m_cellList[i] = item;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
 /// <summary>
/// 主初始化类
/// </summary>
public class Main : MonoBehaviour
public int count;
public bool isUpdate = true;
private CustomGrid grid;
private int index = 0;
private int i = 0;
private UILabel label;
void Awake()
grid = GetComponentInChildren<CustomGrid>();
label = transform.FindChild("back/back/Label").GetComponent<UILabel>();
void Start ()
while (i < count)
Add("" + i++);
label.text = string.Format("创建 {0} 个Item", i.ToString());
void Update()
if (isUpdate)
if (index % 30 == 0)
label.text = string.Format("创建 {0} 个Item", i.ToString());
private void Add(string text)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
 /// <summary>
/// 子渲染处理类
/// </summary>
public class Item : MonoBehaviour
private UILabel label;
public void Init()
label = transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent<UILabel>();
 /// <summary>
/// 文本内容
/// </summary>
public string text
label.text = value;
using UnityEngine;
 /// <summary>
/// 自定义ScrollView 和 UIScrollView 基本相同
/// </summary>
public class CustomScrollView : MonoBehaviour
public enum Movement
public enum DragEffect
public enum ShowCondition
public delegate void OnDragFinished ();
public Movement movement = Movement.Vertical;
public DragEffect dragEffect = DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring;
public bool restrictWithinPanel = true;
public bool disableDragIfFits = false;
public bool smoothDragStart = true;
public bool iOSDragEmulation = true;
public float scrollWheelFactor = 0.25f;
public float momentumAmount = 35f;
public UIScrollBar horizontalScrollBar;
public UIScrollBar verticalScrollBar;
public ShowCondition showScrollBars = ShowCondition.OnlyIfNeeded;
public Vector2 customMovement = new Vector2(1f, 0f);
public Vector2 relativePositionOnReset = Vector2.zero;
public OnDragFinished onDragFinished;
[HideInInspector][SerializeField] Vector3 scale = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
Transform mTrans;
UIPanel mPanel;
Plane mPlane;
Vector3 mLastPos;
bool mPressed = false;
Vector3 mMomentum = Vector3.zero;
float mScroll = 0f;
Bounds mBounds;
 //bool mCalculatedBounds = false;
bool mShouldMove = false;
bool mIgnoreCallbacks = false;
int mDragID = -10;
Vector2 mDragStartOffset = Vector2.zero;
bool mDragStarted = false;
public UIPanel panel { get { return mPanel; } }
public Bounds bounds
return mBounds;
mBounds = value;
public bool canMoveHorizontally
return movement == Movement.Horizontal ||
movement == Movement.Unrestricted ||
(movement == Movement.Custom && customMovement.x != 0f);
public bool canMoveVertically
return movement == Movement.Vertical ||
movement == Movement.Unrestricted ||
(movement == Movement.Custom && customMovement.y != 0f);
public virtual bool shouldMoveHorizontally
float size = bounds.size.x;
if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip) size += mPanel.clipSoftness.x * 2f;
return size > mPanel.width;
public virtual bool shouldMoveVertically
float size = bounds.size.y;
if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip) size += mPanel.clipSoftness.y * 2f;
return size > mPanel.height;
protected virtual bool shouldMove
if (!disableDragIfFits) return true;
if (mPanel == null) mPanel = GetComponent<UIPanel>();
Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;
Bounds b = bounds;
float hx = (clip.z == 0f) ? Screen.width  : clip.z * 0.5f;
float hy = (clip.w == 0f) ? Screen.height : clip.w * 0.5f;
if (canMoveHorizontally)
if (b.min.x < clip.x - hx) return true;
if (b.max.x > clip.x + hx) return true;
if (canMoveVertically)
if (b.min.y < clip.y - hy) return true;
if (b.max.y > clip.y + hy) return true;
return false;
public Vector3 currentMomentum { get { return mMomentum; } set { mMomentum = value; mShouldMove = true; } }
void Awake ()
mTrans = transform;
mPanel = GetComponent<UIPanel>();
if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
mPanel.clipping = UIDrawCall.Clipping.ConstrainButDontClip;
if (movement != Movement.Custom && scale.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)
if (scale.x == 1f && scale.y == 0f)
movement = Movement.Horizontal;
else if (scale.x == 0f && scale.y == 1f)
movement = Movement.Vertical;
else if (scale.x == 1f && scale.y == 1f)
movement = Movement.Unrestricted;
movement = Movement.Custom;
customMovement.x = scale.x;
customMovement.y = scale.y;
scale = Vector3.zero;
if (Application.isPlaying) mPanel.onChange += OnPanelChange;
void OnDestroy ()
if (Application.isPlaying && mPanel != null)
mPanel.onChange -= OnPanelChange;
void OnPanelChange () { UpdateScrollbars(true); }
void Start ()
if (Application.isPlaying)
if (horizontalScrollBar != null)
EventDelegate.Add(horizontalScrollBar.onChange, OnHorizontalBar);
horizontalScrollBar.alpha = ((showScrollBars == ShowCondition.Always) || shouldMoveHorizontally) ? 1f : 0f;
if (verticalScrollBar != null)
EventDelegate.Add(verticalScrollBar.onChange, OnVerticalBar);
verticalScrollBar.alpha = ((showScrollBars == ShowCondition.Always) || shouldMoveVertically) ? 1f : 0f;
public bool RestrictWithinBounds (bool instant) { return RestrictWithinBounds(instant, true, true); }
public bool RestrictWithinBounds (bool instant, bool horizontal, bool vertical)
Bounds b = bounds;
Vector3 constraint = mPanel.CalculateConstrainOffset(b.min, b.max);
if (!horizontal) constraint.x = 0f;
if (!vertical) constraint.y = 0f;
if (constraint.magnitude > 1f)
if (!instant && dragEffect == DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring)
Vector3 pos = mTrans.localPosition + constraint;
pos.x = Mathf.Round(pos.x);
pos.y = Mathf.Round(pos.y);
SpringPanel.Begin(mPanel.gameObject, pos, 13f);
mMomentum = Vector3.zero;
mScroll = 0f;
return true;
return false;
public void DisableSpring ()
SpringPanel sp = GetComponent<SpringPanel>();
if (sp != null) sp.enabled = false;
public virtual void UpdateScrollbars (bool recalculateBounds)
if (mPanel == null) return;
if (horizontalScrollBar != null || verticalScrollBar != null)
if (recalculateBounds)
//mCalculatedBounds = false;
mShouldMove = shouldMove;
Bounds b = bounds;
Vector2 bmin = b.min;
Vector2 bmax = b.max;
if (horizontalScrollBar != null && bmax.x > bmin.x)
Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;
float extents = clip.z * 0.5f;
if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip)
extents -= mPanel.clipSoftness.x;
float min = clip.x - extents - b.min.x;
float max = b.max.x - extents - clip.x;
float width = bmax.x - bmin.x;
min = Mathf.Clamp01(min / width);
max = Mathf.Clamp01(max / width);
float sum = min + max;
mIgnoreCallbacks = true;
horizontalScrollBar.barSize = 1f - sum;
horizontalScrollBar.value = (sum > 0.001f) ? min / sum : 0f;
mIgnoreCallbacks = false;
if (verticalScrollBar != null && bmax.y > bmin.y)
Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;
float extents = clip.w * 0.5f;
if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip)
extents -= mPanel.clipSoftness.y;
float min = clip.y - extents - bmin.y;
float max = bmax.y - extents - clip.y;
float height = bmax.y - bmin.y;
min = Mathf.Clamp01(min / height);
max = Mathf.Clamp01(max / height);
float sum = min + max;
mIgnoreCallbacks = true;
verticalScrollBar.barSize = 1f - sum;
verticalScrollBar.value = (sum > 0.001f) ? 1f - min / sum : 0f;
mIgnoreCallbacks = false;
else if (recalculateBounds)
 //mCalculatedBounds = false;
public virtual void SetDragAmount (float x, float y, bool updateScrollbars)
Bounds b = bounds;
if (b.min.x == b.max.x || b.min.y == b.max.y) return;
Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;
clip.x = Mathf.Round(clip.x);
clip.y = Mathf.Round(clip.y);
clip.z = Mathf.Round(clip.z);
clip.w = Mathf.Round(clip.w);
float hx = clip.z * 0.5f;
float hy = clip.w * 0.5f;
float left = b.min.x + hx;
float right = b.max.x - hx;
float bottom = b.min.y + hy;
float top = b.max.y - hy;
if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip)
left -= mPanel.clipSoftness.x;
right += mPanel.clipSoftness.x;
bottom -= mPanel.clipSoftness.y;
top += mPanel.clipSoftness.y;
float ox = Mathf.Lerp(left, right, x);
float oy = Mathf.Lerp(top, bottom, y);
ox = Mathf.Round(ox);
oy = Mathf.Round(oy);
if (!updateScrollbars)
Vector3 pos = mTrans.localPosition;
if (canMoveHorizontally) pos.x += clip.x - ox;
if (canMoveVertically) pos.y += clip.y - oy;
mTrans.localPosition = pos;
if (canMoveHorizontally) clip.x = ox;
if (canMoveVertically) clip.y = oy;
Vector4 cr = mPanel.baseClipRegion;
mPanel.clipOffset = new Vector2(clip.x - cr.x, clip.y - cr.y);
if (updateScrollbars) UpdateScrollbars(false);
public void ResetPosition()
if (NGUITools.GetActive(this))
 //mCalculatedBounds = false;
SetDragAmount(relativePositionOnReset.x, relativePositionOnReset.y, false);
SetDragAmount(relativePositionOnReset.x, relativePositionOnReset.y, true);
void OnHorizontalBar ()
if (!mIgnoreCallbacks)
float x = (horizontalScrollBar != null) ? horizontalScrollBar.value : 0f;
float y = (verticalScrollBar != null) ? verticalScrollBar.value : 0f;
SetDragAmount(x, y, false);
void OnVerticalBar ()
if (!mIgnoreCallbacks)
float x = (horizontalScrollBar != null) ? horizontalScrollBar.value : 0f;
float y = (verticalScrollBar != null) ? verticalScrollBar.value : 0f;
SetDragAmount(x, y, false);
public virtual void MoveRelative (Vector3 relative)
mTrans.localPosition += relative;
Vector2 co = mPanel.clipOffset;
co.x -= relative.x;
co.y -= relative.y;
mPanel.clipOffset = co;
public void MoveAbsolute (Vector3 absolute)
Vector3 a = mTrans.InverseTransformPoint(absolute);
Vector3 b = mTrans.InverseTransformPoint(Vector3.zero);
MoveRelative(a - b);
public void Press (bool pressed)
if (smoothDragStart && pressed)
mDragStarted = false;
mDragStartOffset = Vector2.zero;
if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject))
if (!pressed && mDragID == UICamera.currentTouchID) mDragID = -10;
 //mCalculatedBounds = false;
mShouldMove = shouldMove;
if (!mShouldMove) return;
mPressed = pressed;
if (pressed)
// Remove all momentum on press
mMomentum = Vector3.zero;
mScroll = 0f;
 // Disable the spring movement
 // Remember the hit position
mLastPos = UICamera.lastHit.point;
 // Create the plane to drag along
mPlane = new Plane(mTrans.rotation * Vector3.back, mLastPos);
 // Ensure that we're working with whole numbers, keeping everything pixel-perfect
Vector2 co = mPanel.clipOffset;
co.x = Mathf.Round(co.x);
co.y = Mathf.Round(co.y);
mPanel.clipOffset = co;
Vector3 v = mTrans.localPosition;
v.x = Mathf.Round(v.x);
v.y = Mathf.Round(v.y);
mTrans.localPosition = v;
if (restrictWithinPanel && mPanel.clipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None && dragEffect == DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring)
RestrictWithinBounds(false, canMoveHorizontally, canMoveVertically);
if (!smoothDragStart || mDragStarted)
if (onDragFinished != null)
public void Drag ()
if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && mShouldMove)
if (mDragID == -10) mDragID = UICamera.currentTouchID;
UICamera.currentTouch.clickNotification = UICamera.ClickNotification.BasedOnDelta;
 // Prevents the drag "jump". Contributed by 'mixd' from the Tasharen forums.
if (smoothDragStart && !mDragStarted)
mDragStarted = true;
mDragStartOffset = UICamera.currentTouch.totalDelta;
Ray ray = smoothDragStart ?
UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(UICamera.currentTouch.pos - mDragStartOffset) :
float dist = 0f;
if (mPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
Vector3 currentPos = ray.GetPoint(dist);
Vector3 offset = currentPos - mLastPos;
mLastPos = currentPos;
if (offset.x != 0f || offset.y != 0f)
offset = mTrans.InverseTransformDirection(offset);
if (movement == Movement.Horizontal)
offset.y = 0f;
offset.z = 0f;
else if (movement == Movement.Vertical)
offset.x = 0f;
offset.z = 0f;
else if (movement == Movement.Unrestricted)
offset.z = 0f;
offset = mTrans.TransformDirection(offset);
 // Adjust the momentum
mMomentum = Vector3.Lerp(mMomentum, mMomentum + offset * (0.01f * momentumAmount), 0.67f);
 // Move the scroll view
if (!iOSDragEmulation)
Vector3 constraint = mPanel.CalculateConstrainOffset(bounds.min, bounds.max);
if (constraint.magnitude > 1f)
MoveAbsolute(offset * 0.5f);
mMomentum *= 0.5f;
 // We want to constrain the UI to be within bounds
if (restrictWithinPanel &&
mPanel.clipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None &&
dragEffect != DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring)
RestrictWithinBounds(true, canMoveHorizontally, canMoveVertically);
public void Scroll (float delta)
if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && scrollWheelFactor != 0f)
mShouldMove = shouldMove;
if (Mathf.Sign(mScroll) != Mathf.Sign(delta)) mScroll = 0f;
mScroll += delta * scrollWheelFactor;
void LateUpdate ()
if (!Application.isPlaying) return;
float delta = RealTime.deltaTime;
 // Fade the scroll bars if needed
if (showScrollBars != ShowCondition.Always)
bool vertical = false;
bool horizontal = false;
if (showScrollBars != ShowCondition.WhenDragging || mDragID != -10 || mMomentum.magnitude > 0.01f)
vertical = shouldMoveVertically;
horizontal = shouldMoveHorizontally;
if (verticalScrollBar)
float alpha = verticalScrollBar.alpha;
alpha += vertical ? delta * 6f : -delta * 3f;
alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(alpha);
if (verticalScrollBar.alpha != alpha) verticalScrollBar.alpha = alpha;
if (horizontalScrollBar)
float alpha = horizontalScrollBar.alpha;
alpha += horizontal ? delta * 6f : -delta * 3f;
alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(alpha);
if (horizontalScrollBar.alpha != alpha) horizontalScrollBar.alpha = alpha;
 // Apply momentum
if (mShouldMove && !mPressed)
if (movement == Movement.Horizontal || movement == Movement.Unrestricted)
mMomentum -= mTrans.TransformDirection(new Vector3(mScroll * 0.05f, 0f, 0f));
else if (movement == Movement.Vertical)
mMomentum -= mTrans.TransformDirection(new Vector3(0f, mScroll * 0.05f, 0f));
mMomentum -= mTrans.TransformDirection(new Vector3(
mScroll * customMovement.x * 0.05f,
mScroll * customMovement.y * 0.05f, 0f));
if (mMomentum.magnitude > 0.0001f)
mScroll = NGUIMath.SpringLerp(mScroll, 0f, 20f, delta);
 // Move the scroll view
Vector3 offset = NGUIMath.SpringDampen(ref mMomentum, 9f, delta);
 // Restrict the contents to be within the scroll view's bounds
if (restrictWithinPanel && mPanel.clipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
RestrictWithinBounds(false, canMoveHorizontally, canMoveVertically);
if (mMomentum.magnitude < 0.0001f && onDragFinished != null)
mScroll = 0f;
mMomentum = Vector3.zero;
else mScroll = 0f;
 // Dampen the momentum
NGUIMath.SpringDampen(ref mMomentum, 9f, delta);
 /// <summary>
/// Draw a visible orange outline of the bounds.
/// </summary>
void OnDrawGizmos()
if (mPanel != null)
Bounds b = bounds;
Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, 0.4f, 0f);
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(new Vector3(b.center.x, b.center.y, b.min.z), new Vector3(b.size.x, b.size.y, 0f));
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
 /// <summary>
/// 子类拖到处理类
/// </summary>
public class CustomDragScrollView : MonoBehaviour
public CustomScrollView scrollView;
CustomScrollView draggablePanel;
Transform mTrans;
CustomScrollView mScroll;
bool mAutoFind = false;
void OnEnable ()
mTrans = transform;
if (scrollView == null && draggablePanel != null)
scrollView = draggablePanel;
draggablePanel = null;
void FindScrollView ()
CustomScrollView sv = NGUITools.FindInParents<CustomScrollView>(mTrans);
if (scrollView == null)
scrollView = sv;
mAutoFind = true;
else if (scrollView == sv)
mAutoFind = true;
mScroll = scrollView;
void Start () { FindScrollView(); }
void OnPress (bool pressed)
if (mAutoFind && mScroll != scrollView)
mScroll = scrollView;
mAutoFind = false;
if (scrollView && enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject))
if (!pressed && mAutoFind)
scrollView = NGUITools.FindInParents<CustomScrollView>(mTrans);
mScroll = scrollView;
void OnDrag (Vector2 delta)
if (scrollView && NGUITools.GetActive(this))
void OnScroll (float delta)
if (scrollView && NGUITools.GetActive(this))