Character Animation


Unity Manual > User Guide > Creating Gameplay > Character Animation

Unity手册 > 使用指南 > 创建游戏 > 角色动画

Unity's Animation System allows you to create beautifully animated skinned characters. The Animation System supports animation blending, mixing, additive animations, walk cycle time synchronization, animation layers, control over all aspects of the animation playback (time, speed, blend-weights), mesh skinning with 1, 2 or 4 bones per vertex and finally physically based ragdolls.


There are some best practices for creating a rigged character with optimal performance in Unity. It is recommended that you read about these techniques on the Modeling Optimized Characters page.

这里有一些最好的方法创建一个作弊的角色在Unity获得最好的展示.推荐你阅读下Modeling Optimized Characters页面上的教程。

Making an animated character involves two things; moving them through the world and animating them accordingly.


This page focuses on the animation. If you want to learn more about moving characters around (for a Super Mario Bros style game or a first-person shooter), take a look at the Character Controller page.

这个页面致力于动画.如果你想要学习更多关于移动角色的(为一个超级玛丽风格游戏或第一人称射击),查看Character Controller page.

If you like, quickly jump to one of the topics covered on this page:

Importing Character Animations

Animation Splitting

Multiple Files

Inverse Kinematics

Inserting Into a Unity Scene

Animating the Character

Animation Blending

Animation Layers

Additive Animation

You can download an example demo showing pre-setup animated characters here.

你能在here下载演示动画角色设置的例子example demo。

Importing The Animations


First of all we have to import the character. Unity natively imports Maya (.mb or .ma) files, Cinema 4D (.c4d) files, and fbx files which can be exported from most animation packages. Click here to learn how to export from your modelling/animation package.

首先我们输入动画。Unity支持输入Maya (.mb or .ma)文件, Cinema 4D (.c4d)文件,和fbx文件,这些能输出为很多动画包.点击这里学习怎样输出模型/动画包export from your modelling/animation package.

Importing Animations using Animation Splitting


The most convenient way for animators to work is to have a single model containing all animations. When importing the animated model, you can define which frames make up each part of the animation. Unity will automatically split the animation into the individual parts, called Animation Clips.

最方便的制作动画的方法是使用单一的模型包含所有的动画.当输入动画模型,你能定义每部分动画的帧.Unity将自动把动画片段分成单个动作部分,名为动画片段Animation Clips.

For example:

walk animation during frames 1 - 33

run animation during frames 41 - 57

kick animation during frames 81 - 97


走路动画在帧1 -33

跑步动画在帧41 – 57

踢的动画在帧81 - 97

To import the animations you simply place the model in the Assets folder of your project. Unity will now automatically import it. Highlight it in the Project View and edit the Import Settings in the Inspector.


In the Import Settings, the Split Animations table is where you tell Unity which frames in your asset file make up which Animation Clip. The names you specify here are used to activate them in your game.

在输入设置, Split Animations表是告诉Unity你的资源文件的哪些帧是表示哪些动画片段的.你指定在这里的名字在你的游戏使用触发他们.

name Defines the Animation Clip's name within Unity.

first frame The first frame of the animation. The frame number refers to the same frame as in the 3D program used to create the animation.

last frame The last frame of the animation.

loop frame If enabled, an extra loop frame is inserted at the end of the animation. This frame matches the first frame in the clip. Use this if you want to make a looping animation and the first ; last frames don't match up exactly.

名字 定义Unity里动画片段的名字.

起始帧 动画的起始帧.帧数值和创建动画的3D程序使用相同的帧.

终止帧 动画的终止帧

循环帧 如果激活,额外的循环帧插入到动画的最后.这个帧匹配片段的起始帧.如果你想要制作一个循环动画和起始;终止帧不是很准确的匹配时.

Importing Animations using multiple model files


The other way to import animations is to follow the @ animation naming scheme. You create separate model files and use this naming convention: 'model name'@'animation name'.fbx


An example of four animation files for an animated character


Unity automatically imports all four files and collects all animations to the file without the @ sign in. In the example above, the goober.mb file will be set up to reference idle, jump, walk and wallJump automatically.

Unity自动输入所有4个文件并收集所有动画到没有@标签的文件.在上面的例子里, goober.mb将自动建立空闲,跳跃,走路和翻墙的引用.

Importing Inverse Kinematics


When importing animated characters from Maya that are created using IK, you have to check the Bake IK ; simulation box in the Import Settings. Otherwise, your character will not animate correctly.

当输入动画角色使用Maya会创建使用IK,你可以检查Bake IK ; simulation盒在输入设定.否则你的角色将不能正常运动.

Bringing the character into the Scene


When you have imported your model you drag the object from the Project view into the Scene View or Hierarchy.


The animated character is added by dragging it into the scene


The character above has three animations in the animation list and no default animation. You can add more animations to the character by dragging animation clips from the Project View on to the character (in either the Hierarchy or Scene View). This will also set the default animation. When you hit Play, the default animation will be played.


TIP: You can use this to quickly test if your animation plays back correctly. Also use the Wrap Mode to view different behaviors of the animation, especially looping.

技术:你能使用这个快速测试,如果你的动画重播正常.也可使用卷模式Wrap Mode观察不同的动画行为.特别是循环.

Animating the Character


The actual animating of characters is done through Unity's scripting interface.


Animation Blending


In today's games, animation blending is an essential feature to ensure that characters have smooth animations. Animators create separate animations, e.g. a walk cycle, run cycle, idle animation or shoot animation. At any point in time in your game you need to be able to transition from the idle animation into the walk cycle and vice versa. Of course you don't want any sudden jumps in the motion, you want the animation to smoothly transition.


This is where animation blending comes in. In Unity you can have an arbitrary amount of animations playing on the same character. All animations are blended or added together to generate the final animation.


Our first step will be to make a character smoothly blend between the idle and walk animations. In order to make our job simpler when scripting, we will first set the Wrap Mode of the animation to Loop. Then we will turn off Play Automatically to make sure our script is the only one playing animations.

我们的第一步是使角色平稳合成空闲和走路动画.为了做这个我们使用简单的脚本,我们首先设置卷模式Wrap Mode的动画循环Loop.接着我们关闭自动播放使我们的脚本只有一个正在演奏的动画.

Our first script for animating the character is quite simple; we only need some way to detect how fast our character is moving, and then fade between walk and idle animation. For this simple test we use the pre-setup input axes.


function Update ()


if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0.2)

animation.CrossFade ("walk");


animation.CrossFade ("idle");


To get this script running:


1. Create a javascript using Assets->Create Other->Javascript.

2. Copy ; Paste the code into it

3. Drag the script onto the character (It needs to be the same GameObject as the animation)

1. 创建javascript使用Assets->Create Other->Javascript.

2. 复制粘贴代码进入

3. 拖拽脚本到角色(需要有一个同样动画的GameObject)

When you hit the Play button, the character will start walking in place when you hold the up arrow key and return to the idle pose when you release it.


Animation Layers


Layers are an incredibly useful concept that allow you to group animations and prioritize weighting.

In Unity's animation system, you can blend between as many animation clips as you want. You can assign blend weights manually or simply use animation.CrossFade(), which will animate the weight automatically.


Blend weights are always normalized before being applied


Let's say you have a walk cycle and a run cycle, both have a weight of 1 (100%). When Unity generates the final animation it will normalize the weights, which means walk will contribute 50% to the animation, the run cycle will also contribute 50%.


This is all very nice, but often you want to prioritize which animation receives most weight when there are two animations playing. Surely you could just make sure that the weight sums up to 100% manually, but it is a lot easier to use layers for this purpose.


Layering Example


As an example, you might have a shoot animation, an idle and a walk cycle. You will want to continously fade between the walk and idle animation based on the player's speed. But when the player shoots you want to only show the shoot animation. Thus the shoot animation essentially has a higher priority.


The easiest way to do this is to simply keep playing the walk and idle animations while shooting. Then we need to make sure that the shoot animation is in a higher layer than idle and walk. This means the shoot animation will receive blend weights first. The walk and idle animation will receive weights only if the shoot animation doesn't use all of the 100% blend weights. So when CrossFading the shoot animation in, the weight will start out at zero and over a short period become 100%. In the beginning the walk and idle layer will still receive blend weights but when the shoot animation is completely faded in, they will receive no weights at all. This is exactly what we need!


function Start ()


// Set all animations to loop设置所有动画为循环状态

animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

// except shooting除了射击

animation["shoot"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;

// Put idle and walk into lower layers (The default layer is always 0)放置空闲和走路到底层次(缺省为0)

// This will do two things这里做2件事

// Since shoot and idle/walk are in different layers they will not affect射击和空闲/走路在不同层次没影响

// each other's playback when calling CrossFade.当呼叫CrossFade重放每个

// Since shoot is in a higher layer, the animation will replace idle/walk射击在高层次,他取代空闲和走路

// animations when faded in.动画将逐渐增强

animation["shoot"].layer = 1;

// Stop animations that are already playing停止动画确实在演奏时

//(In case user forgot to disable play automatically)别忘了关闭自动播放



function Update () {

// Based on the key that is pressed,基于按下键

// play the walk animation or the idle animation演奏走路或空闲动画

if (Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis("Vertical")) > 0.1)




// Shoot射击

if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1"))



By default the animation.Play() and animation.CrossFade() will stop or fade out animations that are in the same layer. This is exactly what we want in most cases. In our shoot, idle, run example, playing idle and run will not affect the shoot animation and vice versa (you can change this behaviour with an optional parameter to animation.CrossFade if you like).

缺省的animation.Play()和animation.CrossFade() 将停止或减弱动画在相同的层次.你想要避免这是严格的.在我们的射击,空闲,跑步例子,演奏空闲和跑步将不影响射击动画反之也可以(你可以改变行为通过设置一个参数给animation.CrossFade如果你想).

Additive Animations and Animation Mixing


Additive Animations and Animation mixing allow you to cut down on the number of animations you have to create for your game, and are important for creating facial animations.


Let's say you want to create a character that leans to the sides when running and turning.


You already made a walk and run cycle, now you could make individual walk-lean-left, walk-lean-right, run-lean-left, run-lean-right animations.


But that means you just quadrupled the amount of animation work! Creating a huge amount of animations is not feasiable. Additive animations and Mixing to the rescue!


Additive Animation Example


Additive animations allow you to overlay the effects of animation on top of any others that may be playing. When making additive animations, Unity will calculate the difference between the first frame in the animation clip and the current frame. Then it will apply this difference on top of all other playing animations.


Now you only have to make a lean-left and lean-right animation. Unity will then layer this animation on top of the walk, idle or run cycle.


Here is the code to make that happen:


private var leanLeft : AnimationState;

private var leanRight : AnimationState;

function Start ()


leanLeft = animation["leanLeft"];

leanRight = animation["leanRight"];

// Put the leaning animation in a seperate layer设置偏向动画在指定层

// So that other calls to CrossFade won't affect it.所有呼叫CrossFade不会影响他

leanLeft.layer = 10;

leanRight.layer = 10;

// Set the lean animation to be additive设置偏向动画为添加物

leanLeft.blendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Additive;

leanRight.blendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Additive;

// Set the lean animation ClampForever设置偏向动画ClampForever

// With ClampForever animation's will not automatically设置ClampForever动画不自动播放

// stop when reaching the end of the clip停止当到片段最后

leanLeft.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;

leanRight.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;

// Enable the animation and fade it in completely激活动画和逐渐增强到完全

// We don't use animation.Play here because we manually adjust the time我们不使用animation.Play因为要手动调整时间

// in the Update function.在Update函数里

// Instead we just enable the animation and set it to full weight替代我们激活的动画和设置他为完全权重

leanRight.enabled = true;

leanLeft.enabled = true;

leanRight.weight = 1.0;

leanLeft.weight = 1.0;

// For testing just play run animation and loop it尝试运行动画和循环他

animation["walk"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;



// Every frame just set the normalized time每帧设置为正常时间

// based on how much lean we want to apply基于我们要应用的偏向有多少

function Update ()


var lean = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

// normalizedTime is 0 at the first frame and 1 at the last frame in the clip 。normalizedTime在片段的第一帧为0和在最后帧为1

leanLeft.normalizedTime = -lean;

leanRight.normalizedTime = lean;


Tip: When using Additive animations it is critical that you are also playing some other non-additive animation on every transform that is also used in the additive animation, otherwise the animations will add on top of the last frame's result. This is most certainly not what you want.


Procedurally animating characters


Sometimes you want to animate the bones of your character procedurally. For example you might want the head of your character to look at a specific point in 3D space. This is best done with a script. Fortunately, Unity makes this very easy. In Unity all bones are just Transforms which drive the skinned mesh. Thus you can script bones of a character just like any other GameObject.


One important thing to know is that the animation system updates the Transforms after the Update() function and before the LateUpdate() function is called. Thus if you want to do a LookAt() function you should do that in LateUpdate() to make sure that you are really overriding the animation.
